Chapter 1 - Project Proposal, Action Plan & Timetable

  • Proposal


Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production & Photography

Unit 13 - Project Proposal Proforma


Centre Name

Southport College

Candidate Name

Owen Phillips


UAL L3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production (Film Making)

Project title

Southport Conservative Local Election Campaign Video

Section 1: Rationale (approx. 150 words)

This section provides you with an opportunity to reflect on, review and summarize your progress and achievements through the first 12 units of the qualification. You should outline the knowledge, skills and understanding you have acquired. What you know now, and what it means to you, compared with what you knew and could do before you started the course, and how this has influenced your choice of discipline or disciplines and your project proposal. It also provides an opportunity for you to explain your reasons for choosing a particular discipline and to outline both your immediate and longer-term aspirations.

Over the past 3 years of being at Southport College I have acquired so many different skills from learning how to use a dedicated film camera with a gimbal to even teaching myself to learn more in depth with the editing process. The skills I have shown from the past 5 units is perseverance like when I was doing my Television Production, I showed that even when my initial plan didn’t go how I’d like it, I would still go with what I’d got and still experiment with it even if it was frustrating when I wasn’t getting it right. I also learnt how to get more involved in the directing role, for example when I was doing my clothing promotional video; I had to direct my model for the video and direct a pose for the photography.

Compared with what I knew back in 2021 when I started Level 2 and even right through to when I started Level 3 back in 2022, my knowledge has exponentialized over the past 3 years, with all that practice and experimenting I think I can safely say that whatever video I desire to make I can do it combining all the knowledge that I have acquired.


After being in the Youth Board for the Southport Town Deal helping instigate the Events Centre on the Promenade, I have always been asked because of the passion and my intense feelings towards Southport, why have I not helped campaign or stand in a local election and the answer simply is I don’t know. But what does this mean to me? Well, if I create a campaign video, I feel as if I am doing my part to help Southport and I feel like I am doing the right thing even if nobody agrees and has a different opinion to me about it. The next reason why I want to create a Local Election Campaign video is that I want to be able to support the Town as much as possible and be part of its future as I am 19 years old, on the topic of age, the Southport Conservative Association champions young people at its heart, I have experienced this first hand through the candidates standing and of course the behind the scenes.

Section 2: Project concept (approx. 250 words)

This section provides an opportunity for you to clearly explain the concept and aims of your project, production or performance and the research and ideas that will support its development. What you anticipate producing, the levels and types of resources that you will need and an indication of the form in which you will complete and present your final realization within the allocated timescale. This might include an indication of when and how you will use studios, equipment, and other resources, how you will make use of tutorial and peer feedback and where you will incorporate independent study.

The concept for the project might change through the production stage; but to give you a rough idea, I will be filming each Conservative candidate who is standing in each ward throughout Southport; (Birkdale, Cambridge, Dukes, Kew, Meols & Norwood) and then I will also film some local people talking about their concerns and queries which they would want the candidates to do in their local area. This video will also bring up some on-going campaigns such as “Save the Pier” & “Reinstating the Child’s A&E at Southport Hospital.” There will be a special guest appearance from the local Member of Parliament Damien Moore who will be bringing up issues that he is campaigning for down in Westminster, (The reinstatement of the Burscough Curves Rail Link)


The is a huge gap in the local political scene in Southport for doing this type of thing, So I think creating something like this will be a big election boost and I think it will be something different that nobody has seen before on a local scale. With the allocated timescale and with permissions granted from the local association I am very certain I can create a compelling and persuasive campaign video for the locals of Southport who want massive change in the local area.


On the topic of equipment, I will be using my personal items which are the Panasonic GH5, the film making gimbal and a tripod. I will be using a lot of my research to influence my own practice and I will be taking in a lot of peer feedback and advice to help form my campaign video.

Section 3: Reflective Practice (approx. 100 words)

This section provides an opportunity for you to explain how you will reflect on and evaluate your work, as both an ongoing activity and at the conclusion of your project. You should describe how you intend to record your decision-making and how you will document changes to your ideas as your work progresses. The evaluation should be referenced to your stated aims and be reflective and analytical rather than a description of actions completed.

I will create a journal/diary everyday based on what I am doing that day whether it is planning day, production or editing. I will document my changes and any unforeseen activities which delay and slow down production. As I will be relaying on the association for dates and times up until the deadline; I will work closely with them to make sure that we don’t leave anything out from the original proposal and if we do, I will document this down as I am very aware of the deadline will be Fastly approaching for this Final Major Project.




  • Project Action Plan & Timetable

Project Action Plan and Timetable (FMP 2024)


Date week


Activity/what you intend to do - including independent study

Resources / what you will need to do - including access to resources


18 March


Introduction to THE FINAL PROJECT





25 March


Final Proposal




01 April



(Monday 1st April - Friday 12th April)





15 April


Pre-Production Planning

Storyboard, Script & Shot List.


22 April

Production Filming

Panasonic GH5 – Gimbal – Planning Materials





Post-Production Editing

Ready For Local Elections on 2nd May

Premier Pro & Adobe Stock



06 May


Ironing up blog work right up until the deadline.


On the Computer on Squarespace.


13 May


Ironing up blog work right up until the deadline.


On the Computer on Squarespace.


20 May


Ironing up blog work right up until the deadline.

On the Computer on Squarespace.



½ term week (x1 week)

(Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May)



03 June


Ironing up blog work right up until the deadline.

On the Computer on Squarespace.


10 June












Chapter 2 - Context