Chapter 8 - Presentation

  • Presentation Strategies

    Advertising Poster

    For my movie/advertising poster I used a free to use graphic design website called Canva where I created the design from scratch from a blank template. My design influences came from the party’s visual identity document which gives me a guide on how the corporate layout should be and of course down to the type of colours to use. The document tells me about the colour pallet codes; the document tells me the print colours and the digital colours. Following the designs from the document, I thought about incorporating union jack colours into the template by using it to separate between the top and bottom. The identity document suggested to put it at an angle from the corner of the literature, but it didn’t look good so that is why it is a straight line separating the bottom and top. I added the contact details at the bottom for the association and of course I added a group picture showcasing the presence of the local Southport Conservatives. I also added a QR code which showcases a great use of the code and when you scan it, It should take you to the YouTube link. I changed the colour to the corporate blue and then added a white square with rounded corners as well. I added a picture of me next to it and then added a rounded border as well with the party emblem at the bottom right of the image.

    Most of the original design influences came from my original leaflet which the party calls DL’s which are in other words calling cards that you use to give to people at the door during canvasing or you generally post through the letter box. In tern this means that it is in keeping with the party’s image. I also incorporated into the design; my 4 point plan which is very similar to what is on my leaflet. I made the decision to reword and restructure the whole thing as I wasn’t happy with the way it was spelt and worded in the first place from the original design. People like simplistic wording and I wasn’t sure it was in the first place.

    I have displayed screenshots below of what I am talking about including the final design of my advertising poster.

  • Party Visual Identity PDF Document

YouTube Thumbnail Version

For the YouTube thumbnails and of course any sort of blog heading image, I created a landscape 16:9 version which shows the party corporate colours, text font and colours. The idea for one of these is to make things look really professional and of course it shows I haven’t missed anything out when it comes to artwork and graphic design material for this project.

Again I used Canva to create this artwork and after getting used to the program and of course understanding what all the features do; it becomes really easy in the end to come up with something. I wouldn’t say I am a natural at this sort of thing, but I can safely say I know how to use Canva without any issues. I have also added a screenshot below of what it all looks like in Canva.

  • Final Presentation


Chapter 7 - Evaluation, Reflection, Authentication & Bibliography