Chapter 5 - Pre-Production Planning & Production

  • Target Audience

    The target audience for my video is mainly Kew Ward and of course anyone who is interested in the political scene in Southport. It is a very hard topic to talk about with it being a campaign video it is a very niche market and only if people are interested they would look for it. Also if the video was boosted around on Facebook and in term that would be forced viewing as it would be coming up on their main feed; then maybe they would look.

    I am also aiming this product at people who usually go with the status quo and agree with anything which gets said and also people who are against the scheme, it would give them an opportunity to join the campaign and help fight for the removal. The demographics of this video is actually varied because you could get people from different ages viewing it, but anyone younger than the age of 18 won’t understand and will be interested mainly because the legal age to vote is 18 anyway. So from that point of view it wouldn’t matter to anyone younger, so the age demographic then would be between 18 - 65+.

  • Pre-Production


  • Text Message Correspondence Between Me & Damien Moore MP’s Campaign Manager “Adam Rawlinson”
    Before writing my scrip out, I met Adam down in the parliamentary office to discuss next steps for the campaign video. We went through things such as the party visual identity documents which is a guide to show you what kind of text font to use and even down to the right colour it should be. There is also different types of logos and watermarks which relate heavily to the different situations. As you can also see below, we went through how to create a campaign video in a script format. I’ve ran campaigns before, but not on a scale which is political in any way shape or form. To make things easier for me, he bullet pointed down each section for example, 1. issue outline, 2. break down for residents, 3. who’s involved - who’s proposing this, 4. why do I oppose this and lastly 5. why does this impact the local elections. This gives us a good outline on how to set out the video for the way I write the script. Adam also given me some examples which he has written up before which would help me in the planning process for the campaign video.
    I am only allowed to show you certain elements of text message, but I have shown you the most important parts which relate to this final major project.

On Location Images

These are the locations I have decided to shoot from for my campaign video. Apart from the Town Hall shots where I am stood behind the front door, the other hand I have shot from the same locations; but from different spots ie, for the Eastbank Street/Southbank Road shots I have shot from different sides of the roundabout. To give you a general idea, these are the locations of where I shot from.

Equipment List

The list below states what kind of equipment I have used or didn’t use for the shoot. I listed more items then what I actually needed because I was experimenting with the best way to shoot and record audio. I have also put down whether or not I have borrowed it or it is my own equipment I have used.

  • Panasonic Lumix GH5 - My Own Equipment

  • 16 - 60mm Lumix Lens - Borrowed from College

  • 8 - 18mm Lumix Lens - Borrowed from College

  • Designated Film Making Tripod - Borrowed from College

  • Film Making Gimbal - My Own Equipment

  • Clip-on Microphones - Borrowed from College

  • Rode Camera Mount Microphones - Borrowed from College

  • Script - Planning Documents


Chapter 6 - Practical Skills


Chapter 4 - Problem Solving