Chapter 6 - Practical Skills

  • Production Skills

    Shots Used in the Final Piece

All the videos above are the shots that I have used in my production. I uploaded them to showcase the behind the scenes of how I shot the video and of course the development leading up to the actual clip I used in the video. I have also put in the stock footage of the drone footage I used for the outro of the video. I pre-recorded it from YouTube, it was free to use and it looked really good to use; so I used it for my video.

  • Shots That Were Filmed; But Weren’t Used

These are the shots that I didn’t use, but did record them for the sake of the production just in case they were good to use, but when looking back they were good examples but didn’t fit with the actual video because it had no street names to reference back or anything, hence why when I recorded them I shot some more on the same day and they ended up working well.

  • Behind The Scene Shot For The Bridge Grove

I managed to get one behind the scene shot for the shoot, one person who walked past were willing to take a picture for us throughout the whole time. But this shows the setup of the whole shoot with the Panasonic Lumix GH5 on a film making tripod and my camera man who pressed the record button and held the script, I directed him the whole time and the outcome was what it was. There is always room for improvement, but all in all I think we did quite well between us.

I went out filming on the 4th May to film the shots at Bridge Grove and Hoghton Street Cycle Lane shots and then on the Sunday morning, I went to film the shots outside the Town Hall as on the afternoon of the 4th; the bar which is in front of the Town Hall were playing music really loud and obviously It all would of picked up on the microphones. For the cutaway shots, I went out filming a week later on the 12th May and the shots I picked up were a low angle close up shot of the cycle lanes, Southbank Road, Scarisbrick New Road and Virginia Street. I thought these shots would be beneficial for a bit of diversity of shots and It would help out the visual appeal of the campaign video.

  • Post-Production Skills

    Premier Pro Timeline

This is a screenshot directly from Premier Pro itself. It shows the layers and layers of film and audio which is on top of each other to create the campaign video. The background music which is the green line below is showing two lines; that is because it is showing the 2 channel stereo format of the music and I have expanded it out on the timeline to make it easier to fade in and out the music for the beginning and end of the video.

Above that you can see the audio film for the voiceover for the campaign video, with this one as the audio file was really loud when I put it in the software, it didn’t matter where I clipped it onto, it still was too loud and tinny. So what I had to do is turn the audio down so it wasn’t ear rapping you as you put on headphones or through your speakers.

Next we have is the actual footage timeline where we had the intro screen which was a blank screen with the title of the campaign video “Sefton Eastern Access Scheme Campaign Update” and then it had my name in the bottom left saying “Owen Phillips - Conservative Candidate For Kew Ward” and then lastly in the bottom right it had the party logo. The reason why it is so minimal was because I didn’t want to push the party image or politics because I felt that for local issues, it wasn’t necessary to push that sort of thing when people are currently really disenfranchised with politics and I felt people wanted a break from that and thought people wanted somebody to push something in and around where they live. This section also shows the video clips that I used and how I used them. This shows the length of them too.

The last part above shows the text for the end of the video, I overlapped the imprint at the bottom which says “Promoted By Robert Teesdale on Behalf of Owen Phillips ...” which legally your supposed to show who is promoting it on behalf of yourself; this rolls over right till when the video fades out till blankness and you can still see it even when the video has finished. This happend by accident, but it worked so well so I liked it and in tern I kept it. I put on some text at the end which says “Join The Campaign - To Stop Sefton Council - Imposing the Eastern Access Scheme” This rolled over the screen as the camera pans around the Landscape of Southport. I used a free stock video from YouTube to portray this sort of thing. I felt that when I incorporated something like this into the video, it created a sense of calmness and chill so that’s why I put it in.

  • Who Is Going To View It? - How Successful Have I Been? - How Does This Relate To My Initial Proposal and Target Audience Research?

    To start with, the people who would happily view it are people who are aged between 18 to 65 plus, mainly because anyone younger wouldn’t really be interested and I say that because the legal age to vote is 18 years old. I’m not saying it is impossible, but it isn’t likely. People that would view it would be interested in the political scene in Southport, if they also very interested they would specifically look for that topic. They would also view it mainly because they would like to hear an update on the campaign. All this is a very niche market because you wouldn’t look at it if you were not interested. If it was Facebook boosted to residents, then it would be classed as forced viewing as that would come up on their main feed and maybe they’d look at it if they took the time too. I am aiming this product at people who don’t know anything about it or stick with the status quo and agree with it.

    In terms of being successful with the video, I’d only criticise the microphone because it was so tinny and bad quality. Even where I clipped it lower, it still sounded really loud and horrible and I think it was down to the quality. As I will evaluate on, there is always room for improvement and I think if I did the video again, the mic problem would be one of the things that I would iron up on straight away.

    I had change my original plan because I couldn’t create what I wanted to do due to electoral law and candidate expenditure. I have talked about all of this in the Problem Solving section, but creating a campaign video for another candidate would go against budget for that candidate and of course mean that there is cost implications. So that is why I decided to create the video for me for my campaign because it didn’t matter if it went against my budget as I was classed as a paper candidate anyway.

  • Show My Final Piece Out In The Public? I.E. A YouTube Channel?

I have screenshotted this directly from YouTube as an example as if it was being viewed in the public. It is currently unlisted on the screenshot because I can’t technically post it as a campaign video outside of the regulated period after the Local Elections; but this does show a good example of how it could be viewed in the pubic domain.


Chapter 7 - Evaluation, Reflection, Authentication & Bibliography


Chapter 5 - Pre-Production Planning & Production